Energy manager integrations

EV charging stations


EV charging stations

  • PANTABOX Home & Travel
  • PANTABOX Home & Travel Europe
  • The devices must be in the same local network (WLAN).
  • The firmware must be up to date. A firmware update can be triggered via the app.

  1. Connect the PANTABOX to the home network using the PANTABOX app.
  2. Open your PANTABOX app and go to the menu [Manage loading profile].
  3. Select the charging profile [Modbus TCP] from click on [Save settings].
  4. Then click on [Disc] and save your loading profile.
  5. Now tick the box, [Activate loading profile] and you're ready to go.

Heidelberg Amperfied

EV charging stations

  • Energy Control 
  • connect.home 
  • (Beta)
  • (Beta)
  • Wallbox firmware must be at least 1.0.7

Energy Control

⚠️ A specialist is required for this section!

Switch off the power supply to the wallbox and energy manager. Remove the front panel and the cover of the housing so that the circuit board is accessible.


With a wallbox connected to the bus:


Connect the energy manager to the wallbox

Set DIP switch S1 to 5, which sets the limit to 16A per phase.

Set S4 (Bus ID) to 1


  • S4/1: OFF
  • S4/2: OFF
  • S4/3: OFF
  • S4/4: ON


All other DIP switches can remain OFF.

Reinstall the front panel and housing cover according to the installation instructions and connect the wallbox and gateway to the mains.

Ensure that at least firmware version 1.8.0 is installed on the PANTABOX energy manager.


The hardware and software are now ready and the setup can be started in the Energy Manager app.


Additional information:

According to the instructions (p. 16), the flashing pattern 6x white; 3x blue indicates a communication error. Accordingly, the wallbox does not respond to ModBus communication. In our experience, however, the origin of this error message is sometimes an insufficient ground connection or simply a polarity reversal (L1 to N).


If several wallboxes are connected to the bus:


Assign a separate bus ID (1,2,3, ...) to each wallbox using page 15 of the manual. Of course, each bus ID should only occur once in the network. Set the terminating resistor on the last wallbox - also described on page 15 of the manual (S6/2 ON).


connect series


Connect the wallbox to the local network according to the instructions.

Open the local web interface with the browser by entering the IP address of the wallbox.


You can activate Modbus TCP in the web interface via the "Configuration" item and the "Modbus" sub-item.


⚠️ This means that you can only control the wallbox via Modbus TCP (i.e. energy manager) and the device can no longer be controlled via the app or web interface.


EV charging stations

  • All Easee charging stations
  • The wallbox must already be connected to the Easee ecosystem and working.
  • Have the user name and password for the Easee Acount ready


EV charging stations

  • c-series 
  • x-series 
  • DE Edition (DE440)
  • The devices must be in the same local network (subnet). exercitation.

Communication must be activated using the DIP switch before setup: DIP switch 1.3 = ON The charging station must then be restarted or reset.


More detailed information can be found in the installation manual under point 8.1 "DIP switch settings".


EV charging stations

  • AMTRON Xtra/premium
  • AMTRON Charge Control
  • AMTRON Professional
  • AMTRON Professional (calibration law)
  • AMEDIO Professional
  • AMTRON Compact 2.0s (BETA)
  • The devices must be in the same local network.

For Charge Control / Professional

  • Firmware must be at least version 5.22. If not, please update the firmware.
  • Log in as operator. The password is included in the manual/scope of delivery.
  • Under Load management, set Modbus TCP to "on".
  • Set the ModBus register set to "Mennekes".
  • Under Authorisation, set free charging to "on".
  • Save and restart.

For AMTRON Compact 2.0s (BETA)

  • Set DIP switches 4 (Modbus) and 5 (Satellite) on switch row S1 to ON so that the PANTABOX energy manager can control the wallbox.

Further information can be found in the operating instructions.


For AMTRON Xtra/premium

Go to the installation settings in the wallbox web interface and activate the Modbus TCP server there. To do this, the wallbox must be on firmware version 1.13 or higher.

Further information can be found in this document: Activating the Modbus TCP server interface.


EV charging stations

  • Webasto Next
  • Webasto Unite (BETA)
  • The devices must be in the same local network
  1. Download the "Webasto Charger Setup" app to your smartphone
  2. Connect the app to your charging station as described in the app
  3. Set the following parameters in the "Home Energy Management System" submenu:
  • Activate HEMS
  • Car interface
  • Safety voltage L1 / L2 / L3 6 amps each


EV charging stations

  • go-eCharger HOMEfix
  • go-eCharger HOME+
  • go-eCharger Gemini
  • The devices must be in the same local network.
  • The firmware must be up to date. A firmware update can be triggered via the app.
  • Connect the go-e charging station to your home network using the go-e app.
  • For devices with hardware version 1 and 2, activate HTTP API v1. This setting can be found in the go-e app in the "Internet" tab under "Advanced settings".
  • For devices with hardware version 3 or higher, activate HTTP API v2. This setting can be found in the go-e app in the "Internet" tab under "Advanced settings". You may need to deactivate API v1 beforehand.

You can find the hardware version in the "Internet" tab under "Hardware information".

Photovoltaic inverters and associated meters


Photovoltaic inverters and associated meters

  • SH3K6
  • SH4K6
  • SH5K-20
  • SH5K-V13
  • SH3K6-30
  • SH4K6-30
  • SH5K-30
  • SH3.0RS
  • SH3.6RS
  • SH4.0RS
  • SH5.0RS
  • SH6.0RS
  • SH5.0RT
  • SH6.0RT
  • SH8.0RT
  • SH10RT

Sungrow offers different types of connection:


  • LAN connection directly on the inverter
  • LAN connection via WiNet-S dongle
  • Wifi connection via WiNet-S dongle


⚠️ ModBus TCP is ONLY possible via a LAN connection directly on the inverter. The inverter is therefore connected directly to the router/switch in the home network via LAN cable.

  • Connect the inverter to your home network (see note under "Prerequisites") 
  • Update the firmware of the inverter 
  • Connect the PANTABOX energy manager to the same local grid (sub-grid) as the inverter


Photovoltaic inverters and associated meters

  • Energy Meter, P, C, KSEM (or any meter connected/compatible with the Hybrid Inverter)
  • The devices must be in the same local network.

The ModBus SunSpec TCP interface must be enabled on the inverter. You will find the relevant instructions in the operating instructions.


Photovoltaic inverters and associated meters

  • SUN2000 or meters and storage connected to it
  • Huawei Smart Dongle
  • The firmware of the inverter and the dongle must be up-to-date. Use the SUN2000 app (not the FusionSolar app) to update the firmware. If you encounter problems, please contact your installer. The current firmware version of the smart dongle or SDongle is SPC133 (as of June 2023)

The ModBus TCP interface must be enabled.


Please update the firmware of the inverter and SDongle to the latest version first.


It is recommended that you have this setting made by your installer. There are two ways to enable ModBus TCP:


About the FusionSolar web interface

⚠️ Do not use the Fusion Solar app, but access the Fusion Solar via the web browser!


  • Log in to the FusionSolar portal
  • Select SDongle ☑️
  • Select "Set parameters"
  • In the "ModBus-TCP" menu item, select > Activate (unrestricted)

Via the SUN2000 app locally using the instructions from Huawei


Photovoltaic inverters and associated meters

  • FRONIUS Smart Meter
  • The devices must be in the same local network.

PANTABOX Energy Manager uses the Fronius Solar API interface to communicate with Fronius products.

For GEN24 devices and newer, the Solar API interface is no longer activated by default. Activate the interface in the WebUI (Web Interface) under Communication - Solar API. Alternatively, the interface can also be activated by your specialist via remote maintenance. Attention: This setting is also automatically reset during a factory reset. More technical details can be found under point 3 of the Solar API V1.

⚠️ A note on the Fronius Consumer password:

If you need to reset the password to access the WebUI (web interface) described above, use the Reset password function in the WebUI. You will then receive a recovery pin.

Then go to → Settings → Devices → Gen24 → Reset consumer password.


Photovoltaic inverters and associated meters

  • SUNNY WebBox
  • SMA Energy Meter
  • The devices must be in the same local network.

PANTABOX Energy Manager uses the SMA Speedwire interface to communicate with SMA devices. This may be password-protected. If this is the case, please have your user password from the inverter ready*.


The SpeedWire interface must be activated. The interface can be activated via the web interface of the inverter. If in doubt, contact your installer - they can also activate the interface remotely.


* ⚠️ Attention, this is not the installer or system password and does not necessarily have to be the same password as in Sunny Portal.


Photovoltaic inverters and associated meters

  • All SolarEdge inverters with SetApp
  • All inverters with LCD display and firmware greater than 3.xxxx
  • The devices must be in the same local network.
  • The firmware of the inverter should be up to date, but at least 3.x. If you are unsure about this, please contact your specialist.

The SunSpec or ModBus TCP interface must be enabled.

This can be achieved by

  • the SolarEdge "SetApp" or
  • via the LCD menu.

ModBus TCP can also be activated without the SetApp, here is a short video tutorial from


Photovoltaic inverters and associated meters


  • X1-Hybrid G4 (Firmware >= ARM/DSP V1.38)
  • X3-Hybrid G4 (Firmware >= ARM/DSP V1.38)Wi-Fi dongle:

Pocket WiFi 3.0 (Firmware >= 3.015.02)

⚠️ Unfortunately, ModBus TCP only works with the Wi-Fi dongle

  • (Pocket WiFi) and not with the wired LAN dongle
  • The Solax inverter/dongle and the PANTABOX energy manager must be in the same network (subnet)

⚠️ If another PV inverter is measured at meter connection 2 for the Solax inverter, this must be activated accordingly in the Solax inverter settings (inverter at meter 2 = active).


If this setting is incorrect, both consumption and generation are interpreted incorrectly.


Photovoltaic inverters and associated meters

  • Wattsonic Li-HV Residential Hybrid Series
  • The ModBus address (also known as the ModBus slave ID) is '247' on delivery. Please leave this address set.
  • The PANTABOX energy manager is connected to the Wattsonic inverter via ModBus RTU (two-wire cable).

Connect the PANTABOX energy manager via RS485 cable to terminals 14 (A) or 13 (B) on the communication plug (COM2) of the inverter. Ensure correct polarity:

A: Red wire end ferrule or orange stranded wire

B: Blue wire end ferrule or yellow stranded wire

Set the terminating resistor for RS485/EMS as shown in the diagram in the operating instructions.

⚠️ The app can only be set up once the RS485 cable is already connected to the energy manager.

In the main menu of the Energy Manager app, select System settings → ModBus RTU. Then select the entry /dev/ttyUSBX from the list and assign the following parameters:

  • Baud rate: 9600
  • Parity: None
  • Data bits: 8
  • Stop bits: 1

You can then select the Wattsonic inverter under "Set up Things", "+" and the PV system should be successfully integrated.

Smart Meter


Smart Meter

  • MEC Meter
  • The devices must be in the same local network

Have the password for the web interface ready. The password can be found in the manual.


Smart Meter

  • All electricity meters from powerox
  • The poweropti must already be set up and online.

Install and commission the poweropti as shown on the website or in the installation video.


Smart Meter

  • Shelly 3EM
  • The devices must be in the same local network.

If the Shelly 3EM is not yet connected to your WLAN, we recommend the following set-up method:


  • Connect your smartphone to the shellie's WiFi hotspot: shellyxx-xxxxx
  • Open the URL in the browser
  • You can now enter your WiFi data in the web interface under Internet & Security ▶ WiFi Mode ▶ Client.
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